Changed change tag name from StarSystem to SystemAddress in NavRoute data. Added system names to Route Event data. Reimplemented the Main Menu Music event. Added an event for when a Fleet Carrier is renamed. Fixed a bug where RefuelAll and RepairAll events were written with a null string as the event name. EngineerProgress event is now correctly written when ranking up with an Engineer. Bounty events now include localised ship names. "latlong" flag now set when in a station. Fixed status flags for HUD in analysis and Low Fuel when in SRV. Fixed loadout data written after launching a Ship Launched Fighter. We no longer write a value for ReservePercent to the Journal if total balance is zero or negative. We now include the body name in CarrierJumpRequest. Added an event for cancelling a Fleet Carrier jump. We now include Carrier Docking Restrictions in market.json file. We now include the Body name in the Carrier Jump Request.
shownwalker 這就叫超級大改了?你怕不是要看看odyssey預告 😏